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Delivery & Pickup

Everything you order from Mantel can be arranged for pickup at one of our stores. Due to their opening hours, the pickup time of parts & accessories varies between our Superstores & Service points.

Order without bike

Due to differing store opening hours, the time you can expect to pick up your order of parts & accessories varies.

  • Superstores

    If you place your order before 22:00 hrs on Mondays to Sundays, you can pick it up the following day from 12:00 hrs and on Mondays from 13:00 hrs.

  • Service points

    If you place your order on Monday to Friday before 22:00 hrs, you can pick it up the following day from 12:00 hrs. Orders placed on Friday after 22:00 hrs, Saturday or Sunday, can be picked up on Tuesday from 12:00 hrs.

Order with bike

In addition to the order confirmation you will receive a scheduling email. With this email you can plan the day you want to pick up your bike in our store.
Keep a close eye on your mail! An ordered bike can be picked up at the same time as your ordered parts or accessories. We can not pre-assemble these on your bike.

Cancel and return

Are you less enthusiastic about your order once you see it in the store? No problem, it is possible to cancel your order when you come for pickup. You will receive the purchase amount within 3 working days on the account with which you paid.

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