Refunds of online purchases

The way you receive a refund depends on how you paid for your online purchase.

  • If you paid with iDEAL, you will get the refund in your bank account.
    • If you paid by credit card, the amount will be refunded to your credit card.
    • If you paid with the Mantel gift card, you will receive the same amount on a new digital gift card. The remaining balance which was paid with a different payment method will be repaid through that same method.

    Have you returned the entire order or a part thereof?

    • If you return the entire order, we will refund the purchase price plus any shipping costs.
    • If you return part of the order, we will refund the purchase price of the returned products.

    If you return an online purchase in one of our stores, your return will be processed and you will receive your money back within 3 working days after confirmation by Email. You can also swap your return with another product in the store. Any residual value will be refunded.

    Refunds of store purchases

    There are two ways to return your store purchase.

    • If you want to return a store purchase in one of our stores, you can present it at the return desk within 30 days and get your money back immediately; no registration is required. You can also swap the product or we can settle the return amount with another purchase.
    • If you want to return a store purchase by mail you can register your return online. Register products for return

    My return has been received, but I haven’t had a confirmation by Email yet.

    Via the Track & Trace you can see when your returning item(s) was/were received in our warehouse. Once received, your return is usually processed within 24 hours. Haven’t gotten a message from us within 2 working days after we’ve received your item(s)? Then please contact us.

    I haven’t received a refund.

    The time it takes for the refund to be credited to your account varies from bank to bank. After processing your return request, the refund will be in your account within 3 working days. Is the amount still not in your account after 5 working days? Then please contact our customer service.
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