Selle Vélo Pro Griffon Ti AF

Selle Vélo Pro Griffon Ti AF
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Selle Italia Model x Green Superflow

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Selle Italia Model x Green Superflow

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Pro Griffon Ti saddle with titanium rails and carbon reinforced shell. The Turnix is made for 'workers', cyclists who are moving a lot with their upper body. Fitted with AirFlow ventilation channels.

Saddle shape
This saddle has a rounded-off rear part, making it highly suitable for riders who move around while they ride and whose hips rock from side to side. The round shape provides more freedom of movement for those riders than a flat saddle could.

This is a semi-flat saddle, meaning that the saddle is flat at the front, and raised a little at the back. The shape makes it particularly suitable for riders with a moderate degree of flexibility in their spine. This has to do with how easily these riders can rotate their pelvis: they might need a little extra support when riding upright, but can manage on their own when riding on the drops.

This saddle has a cut-out and alleviates pressure for those who often experience discomfort or pressure to their soft tissue areas.
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Comparer les produits ci-dessus
Pro Griffon Ti AF Selle Italia Model x Green Superflow Bontrager Verse Comp BBB Cycling BSD-72 SportComfort Anatomic
Pro Griffon Ti AF Selle Italia Model x Green Superflow Bontrager Verse Comp BBB Cycling BSD-72 SportComfort Anatomic
4 avis 29 avis 57 avis 19 avis
Type de selle Route / VTT Route / Gravel Route / VTT / Gravel Route / VTT / Trekking / Ville
Largeur des ischions Mantel Guide de Sélection Selles 115-129 mm / 130-144 mm 115-129 mm 100-114 mm / 115-129 mm / 130-144 mm / 145-159 mm 130-144 mm
Flexibilité Tibia Tibia / Orteil Genou / Tibia Genou
Mouvement des hanches pendant le cyclisme Je bouge beaucoup Je bouge un peu Je bouge un peu Je bouge un peu
Evidement Oui Oui Oui Oui
Largeur de la selle 132 mm / 142 mm 145 mm 135 mm / 145 mm / 155 mm / 165 mm 150 mm
49,95 44,95 62,95 39,95
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