Mountain Bike Clothing
103Mountain bike clothing makes a mountain bike ride even more fun. Most MTB shorts and jerseys are sturdier than road bike clothing. No need to worry about your MTB clothing tearing because it got caught on something. Many mountain bike shorts have a pocket with a zip for safe storing of your wallet or phone. MTB clothing for men and women is often looser than road bike clothing, as a comfortable fit takes priority over aerodynamics when you're racing through a forest.
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Why should I buy mountain bike clothing?
Mountain biking is becoming increasingly popular. As a result, you see more and more mountain bikers in the woods and mountain bikes are hard to come by. Because mountain biking is becoming more and more popular, there is also more and more mountain bike clothing available. Still, many (road) cyclists wonder why you should buy MTB clothing. The answer to that question is easy: it simply looks nicer and tougher. Which makes you look like a real mountain biker!
What is the difference between road bike and MTB shoes?
MTB shoes are definitely different from racing bike shoes. Firstly, mountain bike shoes have studs under the soles, for when you need to walk a bit. This is more common in mountain biking. Mountain bike shoes also use different cleats than race bike shoes.
What is the difference between road bike and MTB clothing?
MTB clothing is available for men and women. Many road cyclists who go mountain biking choose to do so in their road bike clothing. However, it is better to do this in real mountain bike clothing, because there are substantial differences between the two categories. Besides the aesthetic differences, there are also functional differences. The material of the more baggy MTB trousers is more wear-resistant. This makes your clothing more resistant to falls and the rubbing of branches. In addition, mountain biking focuses less on speed, so you do not necessarily have to wear tight aerodynamic clothing. Hence the baggy MTB shirts and trousers.
Which protection do I need in addition to my mountain bike clothing?
Because you run a greater risk of injury when mountain biking, it is important to complete your MTB with MTB protection. Think for example of knee, back or elbow protection. Thanks to this protection, you run the smallest possible risk of injuries from falling.