Products bought from Mantel can be returned within 30 days.

Registering online

  • Register your return online within 30 days after purchase.
  • Choose which product you wish to return.
  • Select the shipping method. You can choose from:
    • a UPS shipping label;
    • shipping using your preferred carrier. In this case, shipping costs fall on you.
  • Return the complete and undamaged product in the original and undamaged packaging.
  • Package the product carefully, by reusing our shipping box for example. Never only use the original product packaging.
  • You’ll receive the UPS shipping label via email. Print this label and stick it on the box. Make sure to cover our original shipping label when reusing our shipping box.
  • Drop off your parcel at one of the following Pickup Points near you:

Country Pickup Point
Finland UPS
Ireland UPS
Luxembourg UPS
Poland UPS
Portugal UPS

Which products cannot be returned within 30 days?

If you have any questions, you can always contact our customer service by email or phone.

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