Refunds of online purchases

The way you receive a refund depends on how you paid for your online purchase.

  • If you paid with Paypal, you will get the refund on your Paypal account.
  • If you paid by credit card, the amount will be refunded to your credit card.
  • If you return the whole order, we’ll refund the purchase costs and any shipping costs you paid at the time of purchase.
  • If you return part of your order, you will receive the purchase amount of the returned items.

Once your return has been processed, you will receive a confirmation by email and we will make sure that you’ll get your money back within 3 working days.

My return has been received, but I haven’t had a confirmation via mail yet

Via the Track & Trace you can see when your returning item(s) was/were received in our warehouse. Once received, your return is usually processed within 48 hours. Haven’t gotten a message from us within 2 working days after we’ve received your item(s)? Then please contact us.

I haven’t received a refund yet

The time it takes for the refund to be credited to your account varies from bank to bank. After processing your return request, the refund will be on your account within 3 working days. Is the amount still not on your account after 5 working days? Then please contact our customer service.
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