Return within 30 days
Easy and quick online registering of your return
Free returns of parts and accessories
A refund in 5 working days.

Register products for return

Processing time of your return

Occasionally the Track and Trace information shows that we have received your return while you have not yet received a confirmation email from us. We try to process your return within 48 hours. With the exception of Saturdays and Sundays.

When can you not return a product?

Products with visible traces of use (used, worn and/or washed), missing parts or with missing / damaged original packaging. In this case we will return the product to you.

Returning a bike?

It is free of charge to return a bike by our carrier but it is not possible to return a bike by normal parcel post. Contact our customer service by phone and we will arrange for your bike to be picked up by our carrier. You can also return your bike in one of our stores. Read more at How do I return a bike?

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