Pro Turnix Carbon Team Giant/Alpecin Sattel

Pro Turnix Carbon Team Giant/Alpecin Sattel
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Fizik Tempo Argo R5

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The Pro Turnix Flow Carbon Team Giant/Alpecin saddle was developed in collaboration with the riders of the former professional Team Giant-Alpecin. They looked at the wishes of the riders in the team. The Team Alpecin riders know better than anyone what it’s like to sit in a saddle for days. Therefore you can assume that the Pro Turnix Carbon Team saddle has been extensively tested and improved, although a saddle remains a very personal matter of course.

Saddle shape
This saddle has a rounded-off rear part, making it highly suitable for riders who move around while they ride and whose hips rock from side to side. The round shape provides more freedom of movement for those riders than a flat saddle could.

This is an S-shape saddle, which means that the front is higher than the middle. This s-shape makes it possible for people who are not flexible to take an active position in the saddle. This has to do with the pelvic tilt; somebody who is not flexible has a hard time tilting their pelvis.
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Pro Turnix Carbon Team Giant/Alpecin
Pro Turnix Carbon Team Giant/Alpecin
Dieses Produkt
Fizik Tempo Argo R5
Fizik Tempo Argo R5
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Pro Turnix Carbon Team Giant/Alpecin Fizik Tempo Argo R5 Bontrager Verse Comp Pro Stealth Sport
Pro Turnix Carbon Team Giant/Alpecin Fizik Tempo Argo R5 Bontrager Verse Comp Pro Stealth Sport
3 Bewertungen 86 Bewertungen 57 Bewertungen 58 Bewertungen
Geeignet für Rennrad / MTB Rennrad Rennrad / MTB / Gravel Rennrad / MTB / Gravel / Triathlon/Zeitfahren
Sitzknochenabstand Mantel Sattel-Entscheidungshilfe 100-114 mm / 115-129 mm 115-129 mm / 130-144 mm 100-114 mm / 115-129 mm / 130-144 mm / 145-159 mm 115-129 mm / 130-144 mm
Wie gelenkig bist du? Knie Knie / Schienbein Knie / Schienbein Schienbein / Zeh
Hüftbewegung beim Radfahren Ich bewege mich ein bischen Ich bewege mich viel Ich bewege mich ein bischen Ich sitze still
Aussparung für den Intimbereich Nein Ja Ja Ja
Sattelbreite 132 mm / 142 mm 150 mm / 160 mm 135 mm / 145 mm / 155 mm / 165 mm 142 mm / 152 mm
74,38 78,30 62,43 79,29
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