Bliz Fusion Cykelbriller

Bliz Fusion Cykelbriller
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What conditions do you cycle in?
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Fra 702

  • Gratis levering med Track & Trace

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Fordele og ulemper

Fordele og ulemper

  • Suitable for a wide range of face shapes, thanks to customisable Jawbone technology.
  • Lightweight design ensures long-lasting comfort during intense workouts.
  • Hydro Lens Tech lens provides clear vision and UV protection in different weather conditions.
  • Smart vents ensure comfortable wear even during intense activities.
  • Adjustable nose rests and legs ensure a personalised fit.
  • Less suitable for people with a smaller head, for that look at the Fusion Small.



Type Stel
Full Frame
Egnede til personer med briller

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0 Anmeldelser 0 Anmeldelser 0 Anmeldelser 0 Anmeldelser
Lystransmittans 12% / 15% 12% / 13% / 15% / 16% 15% 13%
What conditions do you cycle in? Meget solrige forhold / Solrige forhold Meget solrige forhold / Solrige forhold Solrige forhold Meget solrige forhold
Farve linse Brown / Green Multi / Smoke / Smoke / Ice Blue Multi Blue Multi / Green Multi / Ice Blue Multi / Purple Multi / Rose Multi / Smoke Brown / Rose Multi / Smoke / Smoke / Ice Blue Multi Brown / Purple Multi / Brown / Rose Multi / Smoke
Linsetype Polariseret Polariseret Polariseret Polariseret
Type Stel Full Frame Half Frame Half Frame Half Frame
Egnede til personer med briller Nej Nej Nej Ja, med indsats for linser med styrke
Fra 702 631 631 702
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