Sportsbalm Hot Muscle Balm
Sportsbalm Hot Muscle Balm
BORN Start Up
Från 207
BORN Start Up
BORN Recovery Relax
BORN Recovery Relax
BORN Warm Up
BORN Warm Up

Jämför produkter (4)

Sportsbalm Hot Muscle Balm
BORN Start Up
BORN Recovery Relax
BORN Warm Up
Sportsbalm Hot Muscle Balm


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BORN Start Up

Från 207

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BORN Recovery Relax


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BORN Warm Up


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Se vad våra kunder tycker

Fin doft (min personliga preferens)
Snabb leverans
mycket bra produkt
fungerar bra på musklerna
Lätt att applicera (2x)
Absorberas snabbt, inga klibbiga ben
Håller musklerna varma
Behövs inte mycket
smuts och damm fastnar lätt på huden
kan ge fläckar på kläderna men tvättas bort
Bränner om det används för mycket
Tar lång tid att värma upp musklerna
Ingen positiv effekt under användning
Röd irriterad hud efter användning

Produktspecialistens utlåtande

Hot Muscle Balm is a muscle warmer that is ideal for extremely cold conditions.
The balm also protects less circulated bodyparts such as the knees and Achilles tendons.
Born Start Up provides a beautiful tan for the skin and muscles are accentuated.
This is a non-warming sports oil with high quality, specially selected ingredients that ensure an optimal circulation of the muscles.
Helps your muscles relax after an intensive workout or competition for a faster recovery.
The essential ingredients activate the blood circulation and contribute to a relaxed feeling.
Ideal to use during bad weather conditions to keep your legs nice and warm.
The warming ingredients stimulate the capillaries, allowing more blood to flow to the deeper tissues.
Less nice to use during temperatures above 10 degrees to prevent overheating.
The oil does not warm the muscles, which is something the Warm Up of Born does.
The cream absorbs into the skin quickly, which means that you have to re-apply rather quickly.
The Born Warm Up gives up to a few hours of warmth, which not everyone likes.


1 stk.
2 stk.
5 stk.