Kwakzalver Kramp Krachtig
Kwakzalver Kramp Krachtig
Sportsbalm Medium Muscle Balm
Sportsbalm Medium Muscle Balm
Sportsbalm Mild Muscle Gel
Sportsbalm Mild Muscle Gel

Kwakzalver Kramp Krachtig vs. Sportsbalm Medium Muscle Balm vs. Sportsbalm Mild Muscle Gel

Kwakzalver Kramp Krachtig
Sportsbalm Medium Muscle Balm
Sportsbalm Mild Muscle Gel
Kwakzalver Kramp Krachtig


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Sportsbalm Medium Muscle Balm


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Sportsbalm Mild Muscle Gel


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Il giudizio dei nostri clienti


Secondo il nostro specialista del prodotto

Promotes muscle recovery, which may help to prevent cramping.
As the cream is easily absorbed by the skin, you feel its effect soon after applying.
The cream has a pleasant, relaxing scent.
Protects the skin from cold and rain.
Keeps muscles and tendons warm for a long time, allowing them to function optimally.
Slows down the acidification of the muscles in training and sport performance.
Reduces the risk of injuries in training and sports performance.
Besides the muscles and tendons, Mild Muscle Gel also protects the feet against cold and rain.
Red Mild Muscle Gel is the mildest muscle warmer and is therefore ideally suited for youth athletes and athletes with sensitive skin.
The cream may cause irritation if it comes into contact with eyes or open wounds.
Recommended for colder weather conditions. For warmer days this muscle balm is not ideal.
In really cold weather this gel warms the muscles not enough and you need a stronger variant.

Caratteristiche tecniche

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