Our product teams read and check every product review before it appears on the website. We do this because we want a review to actually say something about the product and to be credible. We believe that a customer's experience gives the most honest view of a product. This not only helps other customers but us as well, as it allows us to keep fine-tuning our product range and make sure that we continue to be the bike shop that delivers.

We would like to hear about your experience of the product. In a product review, we pay attention to the following guidelines.

A good product review:

  • Describes your experience of the product in question in at least 20 words
  • Contains substantiated opinions and facts
  • Is written in a clear and understandable way
  • Tells something about the product's features and how it works in practice

Reviews that contain the following may not be posted:

  • Abusive language
  • A form of plagiarism
  • Sentences that are written in capitals or contain other distracting elements
  • Contact information, such as phone numbers, addresses, websites and other (web)shops
  • Information that is susceptible to change, such as prices and current affairs

If a product review meets the guidelines, it will be posted on the website as soon as it has been checked. We shall never edit a review by ourselves! Your review will appear on the website exactly as you wrote it.

How do we ensure that a product review is reliable?

If you have purchased a product from our website, we will send you an e-mail asking you to leave a review. This links your review to an order and therefore we know for sure that you are leaving a review on a product you bought from us. This check ensures that all reviews are reliable and that not only you, but also other customers, get a fair and accurate representation of our products.

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