Gants Vélo Calobra Guante

Gants Vélo Calobra Guante
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Fox Racing Ranger Fire

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The Calobra glove is a short fingered and offers great comfort, combined with an excellent range of motion thanks to the lightweight and flexible materials used. The loops between the fingers make it easy to take them off. The soft padding on the palm offers extra dampening and comfort, while the sweat wipe on the thumb is made using extra soft fabrics, making it very user friendly.

Sa Calobra is a mountain on Mallorca. It's not a towering Alp with a long-standing history. But it is one of those mountains you have to climb at some point in your life. The Calobra features a 10 kilometre long road which winds its way up the mountain from the harbour of Port Sa Calobra. In order to climb it however, you must first come down the same route. It's the only road leading in and out of the village, something which makes this climb unique. That unique element also shows in the striking and surprising style of Calobra. Elegant prints which are filled with design and stand out in the crowd. Stylish without being too loud, and yet with a surprising twist.
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Calobra Guante Fox Racing Ranger Fire Fox Racing Ranger Water Rogelli Apex
1 avis 2 avis 2 avis 0 avis
Type de gant Doigts courts Doigts longs Doigts longs Doigts longs
Taille S / M / L / XL / XXL S / M / L / XL / XXL / 18 - 19 cm S / M / L / XL / XXL S / M / L / XL / XXL
Coupe-vent Non Non
Couleur Noir Noir / Rouge Noir Noir
7,44 A partir de 24,74 26,75 29,70
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