Couvre Chaussures Rogelli Tech-09 Reflectie

Couvre Chaussures Rogelli Tech-09 Reflectie
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Rogelli Tech-01 Fiandrex

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Rogelli Tech-01 Fiandrex

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The Rogelli Tech-09 Reflective overshoes are suitable to wear against wind, cold, and rain. The aerodynamics even improves. The overshoes consist of one piece of material and have velcro on the soles. The rear has a taped zipper. The Tech-09 material makes these shoes reflective, wind-, and watertight.

Bear in mind that waterproof overshoes can still cause wet feet. This is due to water finding its way in through the soles of your cycling shoes or by running down your leg from the top of your overshoes.
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3 avis 0 avis 19 avis 54 avis
Adapté à Chaussures VTT / Chaussures Route Chaussures VTT / Chaussures Route Chaussures Route
Taille S / M / L / XL / XXL / 38 - 39 S / M / L / XL / XXL / 3XL / 38 - 39 S / M / L / XL / XXL / 36 - 38 M / L / XL / XXL / 3XL / 40 - 41
Couleur Reflection Noir Gris / Noir Noir / Jaune
9,87 35,65 74,33 A partir de 73,34
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