BORN Warm Up
BORN Warm Up
BORN Recovery Relax
BORN Recovery Relax

BORN Warm Up vs. BORN Recovery Relax

BORN Warm Up
BORN Recovery Relax
BORN Warm Up


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BORN Recovery Relax


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Nuestros clientes opinan lo siguiente

Fácil de aplicar (2x)
Se absorbe rápidamente, sin piernas pegajosas
Mantiene los músculos calientes
Se necesita poco
muy buen producto
funciona bien en los músculos
Buena densidad
Olor mentolado
Quema si se usa demasiado
Tarda mucho en calentar los músculos
Ningún efecto positivo durante el uso
Piel roja e irritada tras su uso
Esperaba mas fescor para Recuperación

Según el especialista del producto

Ideal to use during bad weather conditions to keep your legs nice and warm.
The warming ingredients stimulate the capillaries, allowing more blood to flow to the deeper tissues.
Helps your muscles relax after an intensive workout or competition for a faster recovery.
The essential ingredients activate the blood circulation and contribute to a relaxed feeling.
The Born Warm Up gives up to a few hours of warmth, which not everyone likes.
The cream absorbs into the skin quickly, which means that you have to re-apply rather quickly.
